Sarah McClendons' Report
As reported by Art Bell on his National Coast to Coast AM Radio Show.
Why do people resist learning more about the moon? Richard Hoagland believes
there has been life on the moon many thousands of years ago. He believes that
these people had extraordinary talents and abilities. Richard also thinks the U.S.
should study these abilities and see how they built these structures out of glass.
Some structures stand suspended above the moon's surface. Richard thinks this
country could benefit economically and in life style, if it would exploit the moon
through studies.
There could be a source for energy that could replace the energy struggles on
earth. Such energy would eliminate the need for dangerous nuclear energy. We
would not have to mine coal and other minerals.
The U.S. could stop its dependence on Saudi oil and other oil supplies from the
Middle East countries. Mr. Hoagland has studied these matters for twelve years
and is shocked at the fact that the government keeps such knowledge from its
own people. He said that there is absolute fear on the part of some policy makers
in the U.S., an allegedly Democratic Republic. These policy makers have made
positive decisions to keep this moon knowledge from getting to the people.
Hoagland believes that President Kennedy may have had some inkling of a
profitable study of the moon. That is the reason that he sent a man there. He
thinks this is the reason the late Jacquelyn Kennedy said, this in her memoirs. The
moon project was the greatest contribution her husband made during all of his
entire carrier.
Some reasons given for keeping secrets from the people of the potential value of
the moon exploration is that it would topple the Stock Market, upset religious
leaders and some of there teachings, and shock people profoundly, if they learned
of life on other planets. There are other reasons, justifiably, for keeping a wide
area of knowledge from the citizens who are required to have knowledge in order
to make judgements in a democratic and educated society. Most citizens if asked
would rather have the knowledge, rather than be kept in the dark.
Much to the disgrace of present day journalism in the Nation's Capital, Hoagland
was treated with ridicule and disgust by demeaning reporters after his
presentation at the National Press Club. He was backed by a brace of seemingly
qualified scientists. That did not keep the Washington Post from talking nonsense
and calling him a "Kook." National Public Radio broadcasts said similarly, I am
told, but, did not hear it.
Hoagland met with much difficulty even with the NBC staff. The National Press
Club staff. The machine he used for the presentation, while talking, added to the
difficult presentation, by breaking down every few minutes.
Hoagland was charged $900 (nine hundred dollars) to serve coffee to a small
group attending. Some had discouraged reporters from attending. When Sarah
McClenden announced she was presenting him as a speaker at her bi-weekly
Study Club at the National Press Club the following week, she learned later that
the National Press Club staffers had told many callers there was no such meeting
scheduled. Even though McClendon held the briefing.
How was it received by the listeners, inquired a Toronto, Canada broadcaster. It
went quite well, she said. The listeners were fascinated. They were a varied
group of citizens who meet regularly to study the Federal Government and its
service and dis-service to the public. Why did McClenden present him? She
thought that it was a giant subject that ought to be explained more fully. She does
not believe in keeping anything from the public.
The presentation proved one more thing, the treatment of our National Archives
by public agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Agency is
deplorable. Hoagland presented numerous incidences of destruction, alteration or
loss of Archive. One such incidence was when a Oklahoma University did not
preserve priceless pictures and information given to it by a scientist associated
with Hoagland. At other times NASA officials had ordered pictures destroyed.
Hoagland believes there are still Archives from the Astronauts Mission in Space,
which have been kept from the public.
Sarah McClendon